Bullet Proof Marriage by Frank Miles ABC Online Books 96pgs ISBN : 978-0-9870750-2-4To have a great and happy marriage you have to work at it every day. But it is worth the effort, it is much more painful if you end up with poor relationships and even divorce. Repetition is the mother of all learning. The end of the day the important thing is not what you did or didn’t do but that you have learnt to appreciate each other, and your differences and live in peace and happiness together.
In marriage it’s important to share your feelings with each other, being honest and making your partner feel safe, and able to share what they are feeling, knowing there will be no negative reaction to what they say and do. In this chapter we will cover ten positive things to encompass and ten negative things to avoid.
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Topics include:
Introduction, Where do I start, The four personalities types, Life tools to help each type, Communicate = Less arguments, Happily Married, Ten Mistakes to avoid, Understanding Your Spouse / Partner, Boundaries in Marriage, Love by Action, 5 Actions that produce fuel, Building Better Relationships, Seven keys to help build better relationships, Change Habits that rule our lives.